Come let us Worship (12 studies)
This beautifully presented book looks at worship as a lifestyle rather than just an event that takes place in church. It presents worship as our highest occupation to love and serve God. Yet sadly, for many Christians, worship has largely lost its meaning because it is confined to outward forms and church rituals with little inner reality.
What is true worship? How can we rediscover what we might have lost? How can we begin to enjoy the central purpose for which we were made?
The 12 studies of this book look at the true inner meaning of worship rather than just the outward forms. It looks at worship not only in terms of what happens in church, but rather as something that must influence everything we do.
This is a very popular book that has changed people's understanding of worship in a profound way. If you haven’t thought deeply about the subject of worship before, then this book will open your eyes and heart to its importance in a new way.
In work-book format with questions following each study making it ideal for personal and small group use.
There is an accompanying DVD series that goes with each study, with 'Guidelines for Group leaders', and 10 minute introductions by the author to each study for use in your group meeting.